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Why Use PHP In 2020

Use Php

PHP is a programming language for the web that was created from C. It is far from ideal, and it has a lot of problems. Its appearance often raises questions. But it is quite common both among novice developers and experienced coding Jedi. Using this convenient and simple tool, you can create not only a blog but also a complete software-as-a-service application, write a small script to work with data. Even creating a large set of scripts and creating an entire business can be based on PHP. But why and what exactly cool about this language? Does it make sense to use it in the future and become full-stack PHP developer, or should you switch to something else? Let’s talk about this further.

The Purpose and Use of PHP

PHP was used to write many popular services, for example, WordPress, which powers 30% of the entire Internet. But why else use this language? PHP is said to have written a lot of lines of bad code. But the fact is that in this situation, as with many other languages, only beginners do this. It is clear that if a company is looking for a PHP developer for hire, then he will not do his job badly. After version 7.0, the language became fast, simple, and rich in syntaxes. In addition, it is the cheapest language to use on all possible servers. It runs on a variety of CPU cores and can is still developing thanks to such huge users like Facebook, it has a huge number of libraries, packages, tutorials, and books.

Pros and Cons of PHP

Let’s briefly go over all the advantages and disadvantages of this programming language to find out whether it is worth studying and what is the future of PHP developer.


  1. PHP is a very flexible language, and any task can be accomplished in 30 different ways.
  2. It is almost impossible to count how many PHP frameworks out there.
  3. It is very easy to use, so there are a lot of different applications exist.
  4. Huge community with a lot of answers and guides to help with all the problems.
  5. Low entry barrier.
  6. High language adaptability. Juniors and Seniors can use it with the same effectiveness.
  7. The short road to a minimum valuable product.
  8. Fantastic documentation is available for free.


  1. It is hard to change the executor because it takes time to find where the task was left. So refactoring and debugging is a nightmare.
  2. To make high-quality code, it is important to follow the best standardization practices.
  3. There are a lot of insecure applications because it is easy to use PHP language.
  4. Low entry barrier.
  5. “Wouldn’t it be cool if…” mentality that makes the language more difficult sometimes.
  6. A lot of crappy code because of copy-paste pieces on the internet just to make something work.
  7. Too much choice when selecting the library of the framework.
  8. Core PHP developer or the team are not very professional, so backward compatibility is broken often.

Object-Orientation with (Great) Package Management

The first more or less sane version of PHP was 5.3. Today, object-oriented programming is fully implemented in this language. Only Java has a similar practice, but besides all the advantages, PHP has a single package manager called Composer. So the problem with well-loaded and well-supported libraries is no longer there. Although at the very beginning of the path, object-oriented programming was a bit of an experiment and caused more questions and distrust than interest and use. As a result, the language has grown greatly.

PHP vs Other Languages

As mentioned above in PHP, there are a lot of advantages for which this language can be loved. The first is quick application creation, it’s loosely typed, cloud-ready, and platform-independent. Secondly, this is open source, and every member of the community can improve it.

PHP is compatible with a whole series of Web Servers. While the mantra Write Once Run Anywhere does not always work and has its drawbacks. You need to type and compile every java program while PHP programs are dynamic and can be edited lively on site.

C# and .NET are strictly limited to Microsoft’s monopolistic strategies and working only with Azure and Visual Studio.

C++ cannot be used to create good web applications. PHP is perfect for this purpose.

Modern PHP and Its Future

PHP was created back in 1995 to perform just a few functions. Now it will not lose its relevance at all since PHP developer salary is high and companies continue to search for competent PHP developer for hire. This is the most common server-side programming language and occupies more than 78% in the world, it is incredibly popular among beginners and an excellent choice for web developers whether it is an office employee or a remote PHP developer. New programming languages like Python, Lua didn’t make any difference to its popularity among software developers. PHP has wide functionality and almost all the properties that developers are looking for. Libraries, modules, dynamic development, and an active community make you think about developing your own PHP developer skills.

Does such a powerful and popular tool have a future? Yes. Is it worth it to study it and invest in the development of programmers in your projects? Of course. There are absolutely no signs that this language will become less popular or lose its speed of development in the next few years. In the meantime, the trend remains positive, you can hire the best PHP developer for maintenance and develop your web project to an incredible scale.

PHP will be cool in 2020 and 2021 and beyond. This tool is too popular, too versatile, and too easy to use to lose an audience quickly. At least not in the coming years. In addition, users and enthusiasts constantly make sure that all new additions and improvements do not allow it to become obsolete, uncomfortable, and less used. Even if you are just starting your career in development and do not know where to start, then know that PHP developer in demand.

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